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A late Good Evening - Today was: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 22:11:49 NZST
Current: 5.6°C, Max: 8.7°C, Min: 5.1°C. It feels like 3.5°C
FORECAST: Partly cloudy. Low near 0C. Winds light and variable. Chance of frost or heavy dew. It feels like 3.5°C. 4 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Fairly fine, improving | Sunrise: 06:15 | Sunset: 18:09 | Dawn: 05:49 | Dusk: 18:36
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Falling, changing by -0.4 °C/hr 5.6°C, 78%   Pressure : Current trend is Rising, changing by 1.0 hPa/hr 1000.0hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  SW  Current wind speed is Light air (F1) from SW (225°) 2km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Rising 5km/h
Air Quality :  0 AQI  0ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 6.6mm
Sun Light : 0Lux, 1.6hrs   Solar UV :  0.0UVI  0W/m2
Last weather station contact: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 at 22:11:41. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
News 🌏 17 Sep 2024 8:30PM: Frustrated Far North mayor tells people to 'bloody look after' their dogs (rnz.co.nz) 1/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 9:41PM: Weather: Road snowfall warnings continue in South Island (rnz.co.nz) 2/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:59PM: Dunedin GP setting up low cost clinic due to cost of living (rnz.co.nz) 3/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:00PM: Explainer: What is a gang patch and what will happen when they are banned? (rnz.co.nz) 4/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 8:57PM: Objections raised to proposed toll for Manawatū Gorge road replacement (rnz.co.nz) 5/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 8:58PM: What goes on inside a te reo-only stand-up comedy show (rnz.co.nz) 6/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 5:40PM: Alcohol watchdog welcomes ban on supermarket's booze (rnz.co.nz) 7/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:49PM: New poll shows support for recognising Palestinian statehood, sanctioning Israel (rnz.co.nz) 8/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 6:21PM: 'No way' the government's 'one-size-fits-all' health approach will work - report author (rnz.co.nz) 9/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:19PM: Nelson parks supervisor transforms reserves with edible plants (rnz.co.nz) 10/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 5:22PM: Nearly every member of the Comanchero motorcycle gang in New Zealand facing criminal charges (rnz.co.nz) 11/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 5:08PM: More Wellington train service cancellations expected due to industrial action (rnz.co.nz) 12/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 4:53PM: Taranaki rugby player banned for nine weeks after punch during post-game handshakes (rnz.co.nz) 13/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 8:30PM: Weather updates: Road closures as snow and wintry blast hit South Island (rnz.co.nz) 14/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 4:38PM: Man charged with murder of Ariki Rigby (rnz.co.nz) 15/15

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