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Good Morning - Today is: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 07:19:09 NZST
Current: 6.7°C, Max: 8.6°C, Min: 5.1°C. It feels like 5.1°C
FORECAST: Cloudy with periods of rain. High 9C. W winds shifting to S at 15 to 25 km/h. Chance of rain 100%. Rainfall near 6mm. It feels like 5.1°C. 4 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Rather unsettled clearing later | Sunrise: 06:15 | Sunset: 18:09 | Dawn: 05:49 | Dusk: 18:36
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Falling, changing by -0.3 °C/hr 6.7°C, 95%   Pressure : Current trend is Rising slowly, changing by 0.1 hPa/hr 990.3hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  NE  Current wind speed is Light air (F1) from NE (45°) 4km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Rising 7km/h
Air Quality :  0 AQI  0ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 0.6mm
Sun Light : 3.7kLux, 0.7hrs   Solar UV :  0.8UVI  29W/m2
Last weather station contact: Tuesday, 17 September 2024 at 07:19:01. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
News 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:00AM: Nursing jobs 'ghosted' as Health NZ cuts costs (rnz.co.nz) 1/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 6:01AM: At 50,000 and counting, is this NZ's biggest record collection? (rnz.co.nz) 2/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:12AM: Live weather updates: Wintry blast hits the country (rnz.co.nz) 3/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 5:44AM: Polkinghorne trial: 'Pauline Hanna was in the way' - Crown (rnz.co.nz) 4/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 7:08AM: Further Wellington train disruption possible as industrial action begins Tuesday (rnz.co.nz) 5/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 5:48PM: School cellphone ban: 'There is a lot more noise' - principal (rnz.co.nz) 6/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 6:41AM: A 'forever language' - te Wiki o te Reo Mฤori marks 52 years of extraordinary progress (rnz.co.nz) 7/15 🌏 17 Sep 2024 6:04AM: House and garage fire in Northland was 'well involved' (rnz.co.nz) 8/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 6:48PM: Police officer decided to shoot before Shargin Stephens moved toward him - coroner (rnz.co.nz) 9/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 8:57PM: Taranaki's largest tertiary education provider proposing cuts to jobs and courses (rnz.co.nz) 10/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 11:00PM: Parihaka gets $6 million grant to modernise wastewater system (rnz.co.nz) 11/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 7:16PM: Police investigating 31 dogs taken from Northland property (rnz.co.nz) 12/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 6:11PM: Government at risk of not meeting two of its nine public service targets (rnz.co.nz) 13/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 3:32PM: Government extends alternative to tough literacy and numeracy tests (rnz.co.nz) 14/15 🌏 16 Sep 2024 3:47PM: Combating menopause the holistic way with holistic doctor Frances Pitsilis (rnz.co.nz) 15/15

Cookies Policy

Last updated: 12 August 2024

This Cookies Policy explains what Cookies are and how We use them. You should read this policy so You can understand what type of cookies We use, or the information We collect using Cookies and how that information is used.

Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about You may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from Cookies. For further information on how We use, store and keep your personal data secure, see our Privacy Policy.

We do not store sensitive personal information, such as mailing addresses, account passwords, etc. in the Cookies We use.

The full Palmy Weather Privacy Policy Statement can be located here.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the initial letter is capitalised have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.


For the purposes of this Cookies Policy:

  • Account means a unique account created for You to access our Service or parts of our Service.
  • Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common control with a party, where "control" means ownership of 50% or more of the shares, equity interest or other securities entitled to vote for election of directors or other managing authority.
  • Company (referred to as either "the Company", "We", "Us" or "Our" in this Agreement) refers to Palmy Weather.
  • Cookies are small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of Your browsing history on that website among its many uses.
  • Country refers to: New Zealand
  • Device means any device that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet.
  • Personal Data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
  • Service refers to the Website.
  • Service Provider means any natural or legal person who processes the data on behalf of the Company. It refers to third-party companies or individuals employed by the Company to facilitate the Service, to provide the Service on behalf of the Company, to perform services related to the Service or to assist the Company in analyzing how the Service is used.
  • Usage Data refers to data collected automatically, either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).
  • Website refers to Palmy Weather, accessible from https://palmyweather.co.nz
  • You means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.

The use of the Cookies

Type of Cookies We Use

Cookies can be "Persistent" or "Session" Cookies. Persistent Cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when You go offline, while Session Cookies are deleted as soon as You close your web browser.

We use both session and persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below. These are typically used to store session data and user (Your) preferences.

  • Necessary / Essential Cookies

    Type: Session Cookies

    Administered by: Us

    Purpose: These Cookies are essential to provide You with services available through the Website and to enable You to use some of its features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. Without these Cookies, the services that You have asked for cannot be provided, and We only use these Cookies to provide You with those services.

  • Functionality Cookies

    Type: Persistent Cookies

    Administered by: Us

    Purpose: These Cookies allow us to remember choices You make when You use the Website, such as remembering your login details or language preference. The purpose of these Cookies is to provide You with a more personal experience and to avoid You having to re-enter your preferences every time You use the Website.

  • Third Party Cookies

    Type: Persistent Cookies

    Administered by: Others

    Purpose: These Cookies are associated by external organisations and are in no way associated with Palmy Weather. Sources of these external Cookies may include, but not limited to "Google Ads", "Google Analytics" and any other out sourced provider We choose to use on Our website. These Cookies are managed externally to Our website and may or may not be present.

Your Choices Regarding Cookies

If You prefer to avoid the use of Cookies on the Website, first You must disable the use of Cookies in your browser and then delete the Cookies saved in your browser associated with this website. You may use this option for preventing the use of Cookies at any time.

If You do not accept Our Cookies, You may experience some inconvenience in your use of the Website and some features may not function properly.

If You'd like to delete Cookies or instruct your web browser to delete or refuse Cookies, please visit the help pages of your web browser.

For any other web browser, please visit your web browser's official web pages.

More Information about Cookies

You can learn more about cookies: What Are Cookies?.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, You can contact us: