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Good Evening - Today was: Saturday, 27 July 2024 19:50:50 NZST
Current: 8.9°C, Max: 15.2°C, Min: 8.5°C. It feels like 7.5°C
FORECAST: Partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Low 7C. Winds NNW at 10 to 15 km/h. It feels like 7.5°C. 4 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Fine weather | Sunrise: 07:29 | Sunset: 17:21 | Dawn: 06:59 | Dusk: 17:50
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Falling, changing by -1.3 °C/hr 8.9°C, 85%   Pressure : Current trend is Rising slowly, changing by 0.2 hPa/hr 1024.3hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  WNW  Current wind speed is Light air (F1) from WNW (292°) 3km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Rising 9km/h
Air Quality :  47 AQI  11.5ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 0.0mm
Sun Light : 0Lux, 4.7hrs   Solar UV :  0.0UVI  0W/m2
Last weather station contact: Saturday, 27 July 2024 at 19:50:50. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
News 🌏 27 Jul 2024 7:29PM: Olympics 2024 live: All the action from the first official day of competition ( 1/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 5:26PM: Port Waikato homes at serious risk from coastal erosion ( 2/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 6:29PM: Hundreds of people are applying for roles, how do you stand out? ( 3/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 6:47PM: Government cuts funding to farm gas programme it is touting as answer to agricultural gas ( 4/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 6:19PM: Tribunal clears realtor after buyer claimed he didn’t disclose neighbouring property’s gang connections ( 5/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 1:00PM: 'Enough is enough' - Chris Hipkins blasts government over Māori policies ( 6/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 3:31PM: More GP surgeries could close, family doctors warn ( 7/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 3:42PM: Police on the hunt for video of shooting and West Auckland brawl ( 8/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 12:30PM: Watch: 'There's no way I'm going to leave' - a month after the Wairoa flood ( 9/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 1:42PM: Person dies in farm incident near Morrinsville ( 10/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 2:19PM: Art exhibition reflects the ripples from abuse in care ( 11/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 12:28PM: A week with facial recognition, and zero reporting back ( 12/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 7:49AM: ‘It’s disgusting’: Couple take on developer over missing shower ( 13/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 7:06AM: X marks the spot: The forgotten generation remembers ( 14/15 🌏 27 Jul 2024 11:17AM: Weekend weather: Heavy rain for Fiordland, snow on way for Otago, Southland ( 15/15

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Weather Dictionary, Site Terminology References and Units of Measure
Dictionary Letter Index:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

Website Weather Forecast Terminology | Units of Measure On Site | Wind Units of Measure & Definition

Or you can search this page for key words by pressing "Ctrl" + "F" on your keyboard.

Weather Forecast Reference

The following are the possible weather forecasts used by this website and their respective icons. This site bases the forecast upon the current weather readings gathered from the station. Therefore the predicted forecast can change frequently and may not reflect what is happening now but what will happen in the coming hours or days.

Weather Forecasts and Icons

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 0
Not available

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 2
Fine weather

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 4
Fine, becoming less settled

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 6
Fairly fine, improving

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 8
Fairly fine, showery later

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 10
Changeable, mending

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 12
Rather unsettled clearing later

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 14
Showery, bright intervals

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 16
Changeable, some precipitation

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 18
Unsettled, precipitation later

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 20
Mostly very unsettled

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 22
Precipitation at times, very unsettled

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 24
Precipitation, very unsettled

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 26
Stormy, much precipitation

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 1
Settled fine

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 3
Becoming fine

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 5
Fine, possible showers

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 7
Fairly fine, possible showers early

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 9
Showery early, improving

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 11
Fairly fine, showers likely

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 13
Unsettled, probably improving

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 15
Showery, becoming less settled

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 17
Unsettled, short fine intervals

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 19
Unsettled, some precipitation

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 21
Occasional precipitation, worsening

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 23
Precipitation at frequent intervals

Weather Icon By NightWeather Icon By Day
Forecast 25
Stormy, may improve

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Icons For Weather Extremes / Weather Warnings

Extreme Weather Icon Tropical Cyclone
Extreme Weather Icon Heavy Prolonged Rain   
Extreme Weather Icon Thunder and Hail
Extreme Weather Icon Snow Showers
Extreme Weather Icon Snow
Extreme Weather Icon Drizzle
Extreme Weather Icon Fog/Low Cloud
Extreme Weather Icon High Rain Rate
Extreme Weather Icon High Temperatures
Extreme Weather Icon Sub Zero Warning
Extreme Weather Icon Tornado
Extreme Weather Icon Thunder
Extreme Weather Icon Hail
Extreme Weather Icon Sleet
Extreme Weather Icon High Winds
Extreme Weather Icon Frost
Extreme Weather Icon Dust
Extreme Weather Icon Haze
Extreme Weather Icon Smoke

Read about MetService alert levels here. Note: Palmy Weather
staff manually enter MetService data on our website, it is not
automatic. There are delays in updating our MetService warnings.
Always source official up to date warnings from

EXAMPLE - Based upon Palmy Weather automatic set values
EXAMPLE - Based upon Palmy Weather automatic set values
No warning No weather station warnings
There are no weather warnings generated by the
Palmy Weather weather station in place at this time.

Weather warnings are generated by our weather station
based upon preset values, not from official MetService.
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Moon Phases

Moon PhaseNew Moon

Moon PhaseWaning Crescent

Moon PhaseFirst Quarter

Moon PhaseWaxing Crescent

Moon PhaseFull Moon

Moon PhaseWaning Gibbous

Moon PhaseLast Quarter

Moon PhaseWaxing Gibbous

Visit our moon phase page for more information regarding the moon

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Units of Measure

Units of Measure Used On This Site (Metric)

°C Degrees Celsius/Centigrade Temperature
Kilometers Per Hour
Meters Per Second
Beaufort Scale
Degrees of Angle
Wind Speed
Wind Speed
Wind Speed
Wind Direction
hPa Hectopascals Barometric Pressure
Percentage of Relative Humidity
Percentage of a Value
Scale (0 to 100)
Probability of Precipitation
Chance of Rain
Volumetric Water Content
Soil Moisture
Soil Moisture
Air Quality Index
micrograms per cubic meter
Parts Per Million
Particles of 2.5 micrometres or less
Particles of 10 micrometres or less
Air Quality
Air Quality
Air Quality
Air Quality
Air Quality
UltraViolet Index
Watt Per Square Metre
Lumen of Light Per Square Metre
Solar Light
Solar Light
Light Brightness
Sun Hours
Cloud Base
Cloud Base
Per Hour
New Zealand Standard Time (Winter)
New Zealand Daylight Time (Summer)
Change in value over one hour
Time (UTC+12hours)
Time (UTC+13hours)
NZST: First Sunday in April to Last Sunday in September. NZDT: Last Sunday in September to First Sunday in April.
Fire Weather Index
Forest Fire Danger Code
Drought Code
Chandler Burning Index
Initial Spread Index
Build Up Index
Duff Moisture Code
Fine Fuel Moisture Code
Scrub Fire Danger Code
Grass Fire Danger Code
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
Fire Danger
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Rising very rapidly
Rising quickly
Rising slowly
Falling slowly
Falling quickly
Falling very rapidly

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Wind Units of Measure and Definition - Beaufort Scale

Wind Force Description Wind Speed Specifications Wave Height Sea State
km/h mp/h  knots metres Max
0 Calm <1 <1 <1 Smoke rises vertically. Sea like a mirror -- -- 0
1 Light
1-5 1-3 1-3 Direction shown by smoke drift but not by wind vanes. Sea rippled 0.1 0.1 1
2 Light
6-11 4-7 4-6 Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; wind vane moved by wind. Small wavelets on sea 0.2 0.3 2
3 Gentle
12-19 8-12 7-10 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; light flags extended. Large wavelets on sea 0.6 1.0 3
4 Moderate
20-28 13-18 11-16 Raises dust and loose paper; small branches moved. Small waves, fairly frequent white horses 1.0 1.5 3-4
5 Fresh
29-38 19-24 17-21 Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. Moderate waves, many white horses 2.0 2.5 4
6 Strong
38-49 25-31 22-27 Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telegraph wires; umbrellas used with difficulty. Large waves, extensive foam crests 3.0 4 5
7 Near
50-61 32-38 28-33 Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt when walking against the wind. Foam blown in streaks across the sea 4.0 5.5 5-6
8 Gale 62-74 39-46 34-40 Twigs break off trees, generally impedes progress. Wave crests begin to break into spindrift 5.5 7.5 6-7
9 Strong
75-88 47-54 41-47 Slight structural damage (chimney pots and slates removed). Wave crests topple over, and spray affects visibility 7.0 10.0 7
10 Storm 89-102 55-63 48-55 Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage. Sea surface is largely white 9.0 12.5 8
11 Violent
103-117 64-72 56-63 Very rarely experienced, accompanied by widespread damage. Medium-sized ships lost to view behind waves. Sea covered in white foam, visibility seriously affected 11.5 16.0 8
12 Hurricane 118+ 73+ 64+ Devastation. Air filled with foam and spray, very poor visibility 14+ --- 9
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Weather Data Accuracy
The weather data displayed on the website comes wirelessly from outside sensors before being processed by Sanday Soft's Cumulus software. The software bases weather forecasts upon current pressure readings. Usually pressure less than 1010hPa brings unsettled weather. Greater than 1010hPa brings settled weather. From 1020hPa, weather is generally sunny and calm. 1030hPa or more can bring changeable weather from fine sunny days to thunder storms.

Cumulus also bases the forecast upon how quickly the pressure is rising or falling. Static pressure usually brings settled weather. Rapidly falling or rising pressure usually brings bad, uneasy weather.

Occasionally some figures may not be displayed accurately on the site. This is usually caused by a transmission error. We try to fix these errors as quickly as we can however sometimes the days extremes may be compromised until we can fix this problem.

Our help page has more information about forecasting, units of measure and weather station warnings & alerts.

Disclaimer: The weather forecast on this site is only a prediction based the data gathered from the weather station. This data is not intended for protection or preservation of life or property. Use discretion when making weather based decisions.

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