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A very early Good Morning - Today is: Wednesday, 11 September 2024 01:58:18 NZST
Current: 10.8°C, Max: 11.5°C, Min: 10.2°C. It feels like 7.8°C
FORECAST: Periods of rain. Low near 5C. Winds W at 25 to 40 km/h. Chance of rain 100%. Winds could occasionally gust over 65 km/h. It feels like 7.8°C. 4 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Fine, possible showers | Sunrise: 06:25 | Sunset: 18:04 | Dawn: 05:58 | Dusk: 18:31
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Falling, changing by -0.2 °C/hr 10.8°C, 84%   Pressure : Current trend is Falling slowly, changing by -0.1 hPa/hr 1013.6hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  W  Current wind speed is Gentle breeze (F3) from W (278°) 13km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Steady 30km/h
Air Quality :  3 AQI  0.9ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 0.4mm
Sun Light : 0Lux, 0.0hrs   Solar UV :  0.0UVI  0W/m2
Last weather station contact: Wednesday, 11 September 2024 at 01:58:14. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
News 🌏 10 Sep 2024 7:03PM: Winstone Pulp International mill closures will be 'catastrophic' for Central North Island communities - local leader (rnz.co.nz) 1/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 7:43PM: Mpox: What you need to know (rnz.co.nz) 2/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 7:54PM: Sewage doesn't put Labour MP Greg O'Connor off swimming in Wellington Harbour (rnz.co.nz) 3/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 10:10PM: Waiheke Island residents fear what could happen with no after-hours care (rnz.co.nz) 4/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 6:36PM: Auckland school principal has to find up to 20 relief teachers a day (rnz.co.nz) 5/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 5:39PM: Wellington public transport: $134m shortfall in funding - council (rnz.co.nz) 6/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 6:31PM: Muchirahondo rape trial: Defence urges jury to consider facts over feelings (rnz.co.nz) 7/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 5:12PM: Polkinghorne trial: 'I am tired and not myself' - wife's email read out in court (rnz.co.nz) 8/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 6:01PM: West Coasters won't be consulted on health cuts (rnz.co.nz) 9/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 5:14PM: Hundreds of jobs lost as Winstone shuts mills (rnz.co.nz) 10/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 2:49PM: What do Mormons think of Secret Lives of Mormon Wives? (rnz.co.nz) 11/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 4:49PM: Tauranga man sentenced for possessing extreme material depicting sexual exploitation of children (rnz.co.nz) 12/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 6:02PM: West Auckland school Kelston Girls' College locks down after window smashed (rnz.co.nz) 13/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 5:55PM: Homeowners pleased with extra funds for Sounds road rebuild (rnz.co.nz) 14/15 🌏 10 Sep 2024 5:54PM: Wellington Water investigates petrochemicals found in Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant (rnz.co.nz) 15/15

Manawatū Fire Danger Risk Rating
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
The fire danger information displayed on this page is updated daily at 12:00pm and is based upon the current weather at this time. Therefore the readings may be higher or lower than the overall fire danger in the Manawatū/Wanganui region. Check with your local council for the latest permits and information before lighting any fires. More information at Fire and Emergency New Zealand.
Click here to find out more information on what the data, abbreviations and graphs represent

"Check it's alright before you light" at: https://www.checkitsalright.nz
Official ground condition information: https://fireweather.niwa.co.nz/region/Manawatu-Whanganui

Last update: 10/09/2024 12:00:21 pm
Station: Palmerston North, New Zealand
Drought Days: 0 days Rain Days: 4 days (4.40mm)
Current Readings
Last update: 10/09/2024 12:00:21 pm
1.7 LW EX LW LW 4.0 6 2.7 15 5 80.1 15.8 69 17.0 0.60

Wind Spd

CBI vs FWI Graph
TEMP vs FWI Graph
RAIN vs FWI Graph
BUI vs FWI Graph
DC vs FWI Graph
FFMC vs FWI Graph
ISI vs FWI Graph

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Explanation of Fire Weather Index Indices

Red Hashed Area The red hashed area indicates the Fire Danger high extreme band.

FFMC (Fine Fuel Moisture Code) This is a numerical rating of the moisture content of surface litter and other cured fine fuels. It shows the relative ease of ignition and flammability of fine fuels. The moisture content of fine fuels is very sensitive to the weather. Even a day of rain, or of fine and windy weather, will significantly affect the FFMC rating. The system uses a time lag of two-thirds of a day to accurately measure the moisture content in fine fuels. The FFMC rating is on a scale of 0 to 99. Any figure above 70 is high, and above 90 is extreme.

DMC (Duff Moisture Code) DMC is a numerical rating of the average moisture content of loosely compacted organic layers of moderate depth. The code indicates the depth that fire will burn in moderate duff layers and medium size woody material. Duff layers take longer than surface fuels to dry out but weather conditions over the past couple of weeks will significantly affect the DMC. The system applies a time lag of 12 days to calculate the DMC. A DMC rating of more than 30 is dry, and above 40 indicates that intensive burning will occur in the duff and medium fuels. Burning off operations should not be carried out when the DMC rating is above 40.

DC (Drought Code) The DC is a numerical rating of the moisture content of deep, compact, organic layers. It is a useful indicator of seasonal drought and shows the likelihood of fire involving the deep duff layers and large logs. A long period of dry weather (the system uses 52 days) is needed to dry out these fuels and affect the Drought Code. A DC rating of 200 is high, and 300 or more is extreme indicating that fire will involve deep sub-surface and heavy fuels. Burning off should not be permitted when the DC rating is above 300.

ISI: (Initial Spread Index) This indicates the rate fire will spread in its early stages. It is calculated from the FFMC rating and the wind factor.
The open-ended ISI scale starts at zero and a rating of 10 indicates high rate of spread shortly after ignition. A rating of 16 or more indicates extremely rapid rate of spread.

BUI (Build Up Index) This index shows the amount of fuel available for combustion, indicating how the fire will develop after initial spread. It is calculated from the Duff Moisture Code and the Drought Code.
The BUI scale starts at zero and is open-ended. A rating above 40 is high, above 60 is extreme.

FWI (Fire Weather Index) Information from the ISI and BUI is combined to provide a numerical rating of fire intensity - the Fire Weather Index. The FWI indicates the likely intensity of a fire.
The FWI is divided into four fire danger classes:
Low 0 - 7 Moderate 8 - 16 High l7 - 31 Extreme 32+

FFDC (Forest Fire Danger Code) Based on predicted generated "fire intensity (kW/m²)" in forest type vegetation (pine, beech). This code denotes how difficult it would be to control a fire in this vegetation type should one start. (Low, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme)

SFDC (Scrub Fire Danger Code) Based on predicted generated "fire intensity (kW/m²)" in scrub type vegetation (manuka, gorse, broom). This code denotes how difficult it would be to control a fire in this vegetation type should one start. (Low, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme)

GFDC (Grass Fire Danger Code) Based on predicted generated "fire intensity (kW/m²)" in grass type vegetation (dry grass, tussock). This code denotes how difficult it would be to control a fire in this vegetation type should one start. (Low, Moderate, High, Very High, Extreme)

CBI (Chandler Burning Index) The Chandler Burning Index is a Fire Rating System primarily used in North America. The Chandler Burning Index (CBI) uses the air temperature and relative humidity to calculate a numerical index of fire danger. That number is then equated to the Fire Danger severity of either extreme, very high, high, moderate, or low. It's based solely on weather conditions, with no adjustment for fuel moisture.