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Good Morning - Today is: Friday, 20 September 2024 10:08:50 NZST
Current: 13.5°C, Max: 13.5°C, Min: 9.6°C. It feels like 11.6°C
FORECAST: Rain showers early then thundershowers for the afternoon. High near 15C. Winds WNW at 15 to 30 km/h. Chance of rain 90%. It feels like 11.6°C. 3 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Showery early, improving | Sunrise: 06:10 | Sunset: 18:12 | Dawn: 05:44 | Dusk: 18:39
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Rising, changing by 1.2 °C/hr 13.5°C, 83%   Pressure : Current trend is Rising slowly, changing by 0.1 hPa/hr 1002.2hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  NW  Current wind speed is Light breeze (F2) from NW (307°) 11km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Steady 23km/h
Air Quality :  2 AQI  0.4ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 13.6mm
Sun Light : 35.7kLux, 1.3hrs   Solar UV :  3.8UVI  282W/m2
Last weather station contact: Friday, 20 September 2024 at 10:08:47. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
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