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Good Afternoon - Today is: Saturday, 21 September 2024 15:26:15 NZST
Current: 14.7°C, Max: 15.8°C, Min: 10.1°C. It feels like 11.7°C
FORECAST: A few clouds. Low 6C. NNW winds at 15 to 30 km/h, decreasing to 5 to 10 km/h. It feels like 11.7°C. 3 clothing layers recommended.
Station Forecast: Becoming fine | Sunrise: 06:09 | Sunset: 18:13 | Dawn: 05:42 | Dusk: 18:40
Weather Forecast
Temperature : Current trend is Falling, changing by -0.0 °C/hr 14.7°C, 59%   Pressure : Current trend is Rising slowly, changing by 0.2 hPa/hr 1011.4hPa
Based upon today's weather there is a Low Fire Danger (restrictions may apply)
Fire Danger
Wind Speed :  W  Current wind speed is Light breeze (F2) from W (274°) 12km/h   Wind Gust : Current trend is Rising 26km/h
Air Quality :  0 AQI  0ug/m3   Rainfall : Current trend is Steady 0.0mm
Sun Light : 54.7kLux, 7.2hrs   Solar UV :  4.0UVI  432W/m2
Last weather station contact: Saturday, 21 September 2024 at 15:26:15. Updated in seconds

 New Zealand Newsroom
News 🌏 21 Sep 2024 2:57PM: New Zealand singer Eddie Low dies following cancer battle (rnz.co.nz) 1/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 12:41PM: Aoraki Mount Cook rescue: Injured climbers airlifted to safety after four nights stranded in hut (rnz.co.nz) 2/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 12:44PM: ACC trial of artificial intelligence sees boost in quality, speed of work (rnz.co.nz) 3/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 2:02PM: Daytime drink driving arrests show problem 'no matter the time of day' - Police (rnz.co.nz) 4/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 1:46PM: Samoan worker Va’amailalo Sasi Neru recounts fatal State Highway 1 crash (rnz.co.nz) 5/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 9:44AM: Clarks Beach boating tragedy: Kevin McQuire admits manslaughter after Gemma and Ryder Ferregel drowned (rnz.co.nz) 6/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 12:13PM: Spate of car fires in Auckland 'could put people's lives at risk' (rnz.co.nz) 7/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 8:22AM: Travellers warned to expect delays around Auckland Airport as new outlet centre opens (rnz.co.nz) 8/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 12:00PM: Auckland food businesses that started out at the markets (rnz.co.nz) 9/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 8:33AM: Increasing level of violence at illegal street racing events (rnz.co.nz) 10/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 10:00AM: Fire in central Auckland closes Karangahape Road (rnz.co.nz) 11/15 🌏 20 Sep 2024 5:57PM: 'Breaks my heart': Cuba Street retailers react to Wellington's CBD struggles (rnz.co.nz) 12/15 🌏 21 Sep 2024 7:03AM: Fears Wallaby may have spread to Southland (rnz.co.nz) 13/15 🌏 20 Sep 2024 6:16PM: Trapped climbers at risk of frostbite as they continue to wait for rescue (rnz.co.nz) 14/15 🌏 20 Sep 2024 9:00PM: Whangārei court hears emotional tribute as Tāne Maihi sentenced for fatal Fulton Hogan accident (rnz.co.nz) 15/15

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